Richard Bradford
Richard has extensive experience as a CEO across the UK and USA, building publicly listed and privately owned service businesses, both organically and acquisitively. Richard is Chair of InHealth Group, Director and Deputy Chair of IHPN, the UK’s representative body for independent sector healthcare providers, and a Non-Executive Director on the Board of a number of companies.
Richard applies his broad network and experience of leadership and management to support portfolio companies in growth and operational execution. He understands the practicalities of healthcare pace of change and ends most days with an equal sense of excitement and frustration!
Richard has a deep seated belief that the combination of incremental improvement and disruptive innovation enables a huge opportunity to make healthcare better. He loves to see services designed in a manner that allow rapid adoption by both customers and end-users. Richard enjoys supporting founders along their journey to becoming healthcare leaders, and is always looking for founding teams with an appreciation of the personal growth required to succeed.